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How to Buy the Best Mop for Vinyl Floors: Detailed Buying Guide (2022)

Buying a good mop can be surprisingly challenging, especially if you’re going to use it to clean sensitive floorings like vinyl. Beside having a solid, durable construction, the mop must also be non-abrasive. If not, the mop could damage the floor.

From The King Live , this is A Comprehensive Guide to Getting the Best Mop for Vinyl plank Floors ! You’ll be able to find all of the essential information on how you can spot a good vinyl floor mop to buy in today’s article.

No more confusion!

5 Different Types of Floor Mops

  • Flat Mop

A flat mop is the most basic type of mop that you can find these days. It’s also one of the most affordable on average. It includes a metal handle that is attached to a flat, rectangular mopping head. Most models will allow you to install different kinds of mopping pads to the mop’s head, ranging from microfiber pads for mopping to chenille pads for dusting.

Microfiber mopping pads are excellent for mopping vinyl floors since they are very soft. They’re also great at capturing dirt and debris. Last but not least, these microfiber pads can soak up excess moisture, protecting your floor from being damaged by water.

  • Spin Mop

A spin mop comes with a special bucket that can wring the mop for you. Just soak the mopping head, insert the mop into the receptacle in the bucket, and step on the foot pedal. Inside of the bucket is a spin mechanism, which will rotate the mop at high speed and wring out the water.

The mop typically has a stringy head, which can be very useful when you need to scrub out stubborn stains on the floor.

  • Dust Mop

Further Reading:

Best Mop for Vinyl Floors: Buying Guide and TOP Suggestions

Best Mop for Vinyl Floors: TOP Options for Long-Lasting Flooring

Unlike normal mops, a dust mop is meant to be used like a broom. Track it across the floor without soaking the head. The cleaning head will sweep up dust and dirt as it glides across the floor.

But don’t worry, these days, a dust mop can usually pull double-duty. You can dry mop as well as regular mop (with water).

  • Spray Mop

A spray mop comes with an internal water tank. Fill the tank with water or detergent and you can clean without having to drag a heavy water bucket with you as you go through the house. When you need to apply liquid onto the floor, there is a trigger on the handle that you can pull. It will activate the spraying mechanism near the cleaning head.

Most models allow you to precisely control the amount of liquid by the force you use to pull the trigger. A soft pull will apply only a small amount, while a strong pull can cover the floor.

  • Powered Mop

A powered mop is basically like a vacuum cleaner. It has an electric motor inside that will rotate the mopping pads at the bottom of the machine at high speed. Thus, you no longer have to do the push-pull motion to mop the floor. Instead, just place the powered mop directly on top of the stain. The spinning mopping pads will scrub them out for you.

Most powered mops come with very gentle microfiber mopping pads. So, despite spinning at high speed, they won’t damage the floor.


Each type of mop above is priced differently and has their own sets of pros and cons. Consider them carefully while taking into account your specific needs and requirements. You’ll be able to find a good type of best mop for Vinyl floor to buy in no time!